maandag 28 april 2008

Chris Bragg

Chris Bragg was born in Stirling, Scotland in 1980. After a period as organ scholar of Dunblane Cathedral, he undertook Bachelor organ studies at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow as a student of George McPhee and Michael Harris. He completed his BMus degree in 2002 with first class honours.
Since 2002 Chris has lived in the Netherlands where he completed his second phase organ study at the Conservatorium of Amsterdam as a student of Pieter van Dijk.
In addition to the organ Chris Bragg also studied harpsichord, clavichord and church music. As a choral accompanist he has broadcast on both British and Dutch radio.
Presently Chris Bragg is the 'tweede' organist of the Bergkerk in Amersfoort. He performs regularly as a soloist and in partnership with violinist Emma Jones. Chris has performed throughout the UK and the Netherlands, as well as in Sweden, Finland, and Germany. He is also active as a teacher, choral accompanist, reviewer and translator. He has published articles in various journals and sits on the organising commission of the Alkmaar-based 'Orgelfestival Holland'.

For more information, please visit